Summary of the SHARE Project
The Project entitled: “SHARE – Promoting work-life balance in companies and a better sharing of care between men and women” is implemented by the Partnership of the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality (Coordinator), the Center for Research on Equality (KETHI) and the Organization for the Professional Empowerment of women – Women On Top.
The Project is co-financed by the REC Program of the European Commission (Grant Agreement Number: 881730 – SHARE REC-AG-2019 / REC-RGEN-WWLB-AG-2019).
It aims to contribute in tackling traditional gender family roles and promoting reconciliation of work and private life, emphasizing in companies’ working environments, by taking into consideration the relevant European and national priorities and by developing complimentary activities that approach the field in a multi-dimensional and multifaceted way.
The national priority, set by the recent national Law 4604/2019 on the promotion of substantive gender equality, defines that specific criteria should be developed by General Secretariat for Gender Equality for the launch of companies rewarding on the promotion of gender equality.
The proposed Project is planned taking into consideration the above mentioned national priority, as well as the European Commission Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality (2016-2019) and specifically the initiative on work-life balance.
Project’s main objectives include:
- engaging companies to apply gender sensitive interventions for the reconciliation of work and private life
- promoting knowledge sharing on good practices and initiatives on the field
- contributing in the development of methodology for the establishment of companies’ Label on Gender Equality (process, criteria and evaluation)
- raising awareness on the importance of work-life balance with special focus in the role of men, and
highlighting the benefits arising from family friendly working conditions and work-life balance initiatives both for employers and employees.
If you are interested in participating in the SHARE Gender Equality Pilot Program, click here